Great Non Profit Organization, Hero Dogs, Trains and Places Service Dogs with Disabled Military Veterans is proud to welcome Hero Dogs, Inc. of Brookeville, Maryland (Montgomery County MD) to the Veteran Owned Business Directory Non Profit Section.
Hero Dogs, Inc. Details: “Hero Dogs, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to train and place service dogs with military veterans who become disabled as a result of illness or injury sustained while serving honorably in the United States Armed Forces.
Hero Dogs, Inc. trains dogs to meet multiple disabilities – mobility, hearing, and/or psychiatric disorders. There is no charge to the recipient for the dog or any of the associated training.
Hero Dogs, Inc. is a community effort, 100% operated by volunteers who are dedicated to help those who serve.”
Are you with a non profit organization? If you are, be sure to get your organization’s free listing in the Veteran Owned Business Directory.