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Indiana’s Gov. Mike Pence Signs Several Veterans and Business Bills Into Law

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Indianapolis – Governor Mike Pence today signed House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1312, authored by Representative Douglas Gutwein (R – Francesville). HEA 1312 allows veteran-owned businesses to register directly with the State of Indiana instead of the federal government. This registration allows veteran-owned businesses to receive greater consideration during the state’s contracting and procurement process. The bill passed the House and Senate with unanimous and bipartisan support.

Governor Mike Pence of Indiana

“Our Hoosier veterans have put their lives on the line to ensure our way of life,” said Governor Pence. “I sign these bills into law as a ‘thank you’ from all the people of Indiana for their service and sacrifice. Helping these men and women, who have selflessly served our state and nation, is a pillar of my administration. I’m pleased that in just a few short years, we have made Indiana even more veteran-friendly, and I thank members of the Indiana General Assembly for joining me in this endeavor.”
The Governor also signed the following bills into law regarding veteran and military matters:

Governor Pence signed the bills in a ceremony in the rotunda of the Indiana Statehouse.

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