July 2020 Veteran Owned Business Website Numbers
VeteranOwnedBusiness.com July 2020 website numbers are in:
292,531 unique visitors (nearly 2,100,000 so far in 2020)
5,081,357 page views (over 35,000,000 so far in 2020)
16,279 unique visitors on busiest day
9,436 average visitors per day
(*would be much higher if you add in all domains associated with VOB)
And as always… thank you so much for your support of businesses owned by veterans, active duty military, reservists and military spouses as well as nonprofit organizations too! Nearly all our visitors come from word of mouth referrals and the 10s of 1,000s of members who have one of our “Verified Member” badges on their sites, in email, in flyers/brochures, in ads, on billboards, commercials and so much more! Thank you.
BTW these are specifically for VeteranOwnedBusiness.com. *Those numbers above would be much higher if you add in all domain names associated with VOB (VOBDirectory.com for example)!

Come join NOW over 34,000 VOB Members. Add your business to the Veteran Owned Business Directory and grab one of our Verified Veteran Owned Business or Certified Veteran Owned Business badges for your website!
The above information is brought to you by Veteran Owned Business.
If your business is (or you know of another business) owned by a veteran (VOB), active duty military, reservist or military spouse of the United States, Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard or National Guard, please be sure to visit the sign up page to get your membership and business’ profile.
The objective of our FREE Veteran Owned Business Directory is to continue to offer a growing list of products and services that are unique in the fact that they are all owned by, sold by and/or serviced by past and present military members!
Be sure to check out our new national and state Veteran Owned Business Certification and Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOSB) section or our VOB/SDVOSB Certifications by State.