February Louisville Area Veterans Networking Group Meeting Scheduled

Attention VOBs/SDVOSBs in the Louisville Area:

The February meeting of the Louisville Area Veterans Networking Group will be on February 13th at noon at Mulligans Pub and Grill on Newburg Rd.

There will be a special guest speaker for the meeting. Marisa Neal–who is a consultant for government contracting–will be presenting to the group. For more information or to RSVP, please contact:

Tim A. Distler
(502) 896-2193 work
(502) 836-5268 cell

This Veteran Owned Business Local Networking Group Public Service Announcement (PSA) was brought to you by Veteran Owned Business. Veteran Owned Business is in no way affiliated with the above organization(s). We do not in any way endorse the above business/organization or guarantee any offers made above.  VeteranOwnedBusiness.com and the Veteran Owned Business Directory are simply providing information we feel is of interest to veterans, active duty military, reservists, service disabled veterans, veteran owned businesses, service disabled veteran owned businesses, families of veterans, families of our armed forces and any other person or persons directly or indirectly involved with the United States military.

If your business is (or you know of another business) owned by a veteran (VOB), active duty military, reservist, service disabled  veteran (SDVOSB) or military spouse of the United States, Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard or National Guard, please be sure to visit the VeteranOwnedBusiness.com sign up page to get your free listing.

The objective of our FREE Veteran Owned Business Directory is to continue to offer a growing list of products and services that are unique in the fact that they are all owned by, sold by and/or serviced by past and present military members.

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