Attn SDVOSBs: May/June 2012 Issue of VetLikeMe Newsletter is now available for viewing
Attention Service Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses:
The May-June 2012 VetLikeMe SDVOSB Newsletter (Volume 3, No. 3) is now available for viewing.
In this issue: Questions for Secretary Shinseki (Hardy Stone Column)
The noun, “Veterans Administration” indeed sounds like an organization for veterans, doesn’t it? It implies a sort of ownership by America’s former soldiers who stepped up when needed by their country. We sacrificed in Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, Grenada, Panama, Bosnia, Iraq I, Afghanistan, Iraq II. Future military skir-mishes are imminent in a world order that seems headless at times. Veterans march to the beat of a country that supports and cherishes their soldiers in uniform, usually. Discounting Vietnam and the seizures of social upheaval and political firestorms that urged Americans not to ‘support the troops, America has respected and admired us. But not so fast, my friend.… click here to view entire issue.
VetLikeMe (VLM) is a publication focused entirely on service-disabled veteran owned business. We feature National news that affects our community, interviews with federal government officials and agencies, legislative activities at the State level and editorial opinion.
Launched in October 2009, VLM is published by BluePoint Productions, a non-profit business certified and verified by the Veterans Administration as a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business.
Hardy R. Stone, the sole proprietor of BluePoint Productions, is a 100% service-connected disabled veteran (SDVOSB).
The following newsletters require Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free download from
Current VetLikeMe Issue:
May – June 2012 VetLikeMe Newsletter
Archived VetLikeMe Issues:
March – April 2012 VetLikeMe Newsletter
January – February 2012 VetLikeMe Newsletter
November – December 2011 VetLikeMe Newsletter
September – October 2011 VetLikeMe Newsletter
July – August 2011 VetLikeMe Newsletter
May – June 2011 VetLikeMe Newsletter