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We Proudly Welcome NC Combat Vets Motorcycle Association – A Non Profit Motorcycle Association for U.S. Military Veterans

Nonprofit Members is proud to welcome NC Combat Vets Motorcycle Association of Fort Bragg, North Carolina (Cumberland County NC) to the Veteran Owned Business Directory Non Profit Section.

NC Combat Vets Motorcycle Association Details: “We are combat veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride motorcycles. Our Mission is to support and defend the men and women and the families of those who have defended our Country and our freedoms.

Our Focus is to help veterans. Our Membership is comprised of Full Members, Auxiliary Members and Support Members.

Our National Objectives are to promote interest in various forms of motorcycle activity associated with Veterans. To create and maintain camaraderie among Combat Veterans from all U.S. Branches of Service and its allies. To support Veteran Organizations. To raise awareness for the plight of POWs, MIAs and their families. To conduct Association functions and activities in a manner befitting the members of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association and as well as the association’s Auxiliary Members. To encourage a better understanding of motorcycle riders as a constructive sport among members of the public, press, and law enforcement agencies.”

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