Project Help will visit St. Mary’s Church in Sparta On January 28, 2018
Event: Project Help will visit St. Mary’s Church in Sparta
Date: January 28, 2018
Project Help, is a local 501(c)(3) charity whose mission it is to help veterans and their families in times of need. Founder and Executive Director, Sandy Mitchell, will visit St. Mary’s Church on January 28, 2018 at 9:15 am to address the adult forum of parishioners.
The purpose of the visit is to shed light on the issues suffered by veterans and their families and how Project Help has been addressing these issues. Issues stemming from poverty, homelessness, disabilities in many forms including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury, joblessness, underemployment, trouble navigating the Veterans Administration, legal and a host of other issues from transition to end of life.
Many of the issues are financial and this year, Project Help is in a position to help financially to a limited degree. By year end, they hope to be fully funded. “Each time we take money out of the Project Help Hardship Fund for a veteran, we have to go out and raise that money again”, said Mitchell. The money given is a grant and doesn’t have to be repaid. “Knowing what we now know, and realizing that this is just a patch, our focus in 2018 is in meaningful jobs and housing, solving those two things will solve most everything else”, she said.
The Rev. Dr. Debra Brewin-Wilson, Rector, extended this invitation to Project Help through Maggie Davis-Jelly, a counselor and longtime resident and parishioner who resides in Sparta with an office on Main St. in Sparta.
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, is located at 85 Conestoga Trail, Sparta, NJ 07871-2537, all are welcome to attend.
To learn more about Project Help, visit the website at www.ProjectHelp.US and like the Facebook page ProjectHelpUS. Project Help can be reached at 973-875-2068 and by email at