Tagged: 75th Anniversary of D-Day

Letters from Home – 50 States Tour

As the official Ohio stop of their 50-States Tour, Letters From Home will back the style of the USO with a high-energy performance! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As the official Ohio stop of their 50-States Tour, Letters from Home will back the style of the USO with a high-energy performance featuring Erinn Dearth and Dan Beckmann! This duo has… Read more
75th Anniversary of D-Day

75th Anniversary of D-Day!

D-Day Invasion 75th Anniversary Click here to see a full list of military holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and observances! Only 10 days each month were suitable for launching the operation: a day near the full Moon was needed both for illumination during the hours of darkness and for the spring tide, the former to illuminate navigational landmarks for the crews of aircraft,… Read more