Tagged: Jim Morrison

National Military Brats Day - April 30th

National Military Brats Day

National Military Brats Day Today, April 30th, is #NationalMilitaryBratDay!  Today we pay tribute to the often overlooked sacrifices of the children of active duty military personnel.  Imagine never having a home for more than a few years at a time! Imagine being shuffled from location to location and school to school for (sometimes) your entire childhood… having to establish new… Read more
National Military Brats Day - April 30th

National Military Brats Day

National Military Brats Day Today, April 30th, is #NationalMilitaryBratDay!  Today we pay tribute to the often overlooked sacrifices of the children of active duty military personnel.  Imagine never having a home for more than a few years at a time! Imagine being shuffled from location to location and school to school for (sometimes) your entire childhood… having to establish new… Read more
National Military Brats Day - April 30th

National Military Brats Day

National Military Brats Day Today, April 30th, is #NationalMilitaryBratDay!  Today we pay tribute to the often overlooked sacrifices of the children of active duty military personnel.  Imagine never having a home for more than a few years at a time! Imagine being shuffled from location to location and school to school for (sometimes) your entire childhood… having to establish new… Read more
National Military Brats Day - April 30th

National Military Brats Day

National Military Brats Day Today, April 30th, is #NationalMilitaryBratDay!  Today we pay tribute to the often overlooked sacrifices of the children of active duty military personnel.  Imagine never having a home for more than a few years at a time! Imagine being shuffled from location to location and school to school for (sometimes) your entire childhood… having to establish new… Read more
National Military Brats Day - April 30th

National Military Brats Day

National Military Brats Day Today, April 30th, is #NationalMilitaryBratDay!  Today we pay tribute to the often overlooked sacrifices of the children of active duty military personnel.  Imagine never having a home for more than a few years at a time! Imagine being shuffled from location to location and school to school for (sometimes) your entire childhood… having to establish new… Read more