Tagged: Marine

Quantico Single Marine Program (SMP) Trip - National Museum of the Marine Corps

Quantico Single Marine Program (SMP) Trip – National Museum of the Marine Corps

  A trip to Marine Corps Museum About this event Visit the National Museum of the Marine Corps Experience the National Museum of the Marine Corps with your fellow Marines. The National Museum of the Marine Corps, under the command of Marine Corps University, preserves and exhibits the material history of the U.S. Marine Corps; honors the commitment, accomplishments, and… Read more

VA Target of Class Action Lawsuit Over Disability Benefits

VA Target of Class Action Lawsuit Over Disability Benefits A lawsuit filed in the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims against The Department of Veterans Affairs and Robert A. McDonald, Secretary of Veteran Affairs could potentially affect the outcomes of thousands of cases stuck in administrative limbo. The suit, filed by Marine vet Conley Monk, Jr. a Vietnam veteran… Read more

Famous military quotes by branch (Army, USAF, USMC, USN, USCG) | New Veteran Owned Business feature!

Veteran Owned Business has added a new section to our military tribute portal! In celebration of National Military Appreciation Month, we have added a famous military quotes section to our military tribute portal.   Here are some of our favorites from each branch: “All through your Army careers, you men have bitched about what you call ‘chicken shit drilling’. That,… Read more