Tagged: Medicare

“How Medicare works with Military Medical Benefits”

American Legion Post 39, North St. Paul, will host an educational seminar titled “How Medicare works with Military Medical Benefits”   2pm Tuesday, November 22 in the Post Hall, the hour-long program will present overviews of both Medicare Parts A, B, C and D; and the Military Medical Benefits, like VA, Tricare, Tricare for Life and Champ VA. It will… Read more

Medicare 101 – Your Options Explained

Are you confused about how Medicare works? You are not the only one.  Medicare can be a maze of layers of coverage that can be tough to understand.  In this workshop, here is what you will learn: 1. How Medicare works? 2. The different parts of Medicare A, B, C, and D. 3. The difference between an Advantage Plan and… Read more

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: VA Leads Nation In Breast Cancer Screening Rates

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) leads the nation in breast cancer screening rates and has outperformed non-VA health care systems in breast cancer screenings for more than 15 years, with 87 percent of eligible women receiving mammograms in the VA health care system in fiscal year 2010. Non-veteran statistics were gathered by Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set, a tool… Read more
Military Families Month

Enrolled With VA Medical Benefits? What You Should Know About The Affordable Care Act!

We here at Veteran Owned Business understand the incredible confusion related to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).  More specifically, we know veterans and family members are both confused and concerned about how it will affect your future VA medical benefits.  To help you better understand how your VA Medical Benefits and The Affordable Care Act will work together, we’ve put… Read more

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: VA Leads Nation In Breast Cancer Screening Rates

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) leads the nation in breast cancer screening rates and has outperformed non-VA health care systems in breast cancer screenings for more than 15 years, with 87 percent of eligible women receiving mammograms in the VA health care system in fiscal year 2010. Non-veteran statistics were gathered by Healthcare Effectiveness… Read more

Breast Cancer Awareness Month News: VA Leads in Women’s Preventative Health

This is a Breast Cancer Awareness Month PSA October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to a recent report, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) leads the nation in breast cancer screening rates and has outperformed non-VA health care systems in breast cancer screenings for more than 15 years, with 87 percent of eligible women receiving mammograms in the VA health… Read more