Tagged: MHS

MHS Vendor Day Focused on Cybersecurity

Vendor Day is a cooperative venture by the military service medical logistics agencies located on Fort Detrick in Frederick, MD.   Vendor Day is a cooperative venture by the military service medical logistics agencies located on Fort Detrick in Frederick, MD. The agencies involved are: Defense Health Agency Medical Logistics Division (DHA MEDLOG) U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) U.S.… Read more

MHS Vendor Day Focused On Operational & Deployable Medical Equipment

Vendor Day is a cooperative venture by the military service medical logistics agencies located on Fort Detrick in Frederick, MD.   Vendor Day is a cooperative venture by the military service medical logistics agencies located on Fort Detrick in Frederick, MD. The agencies involved are: Defense Health Agency Medical Logistics Division (DHA MEDLOG) U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) U.S.… Read more