Tagged: Veterans and Families

Mental Health First Aid for Military Members, Veterans and Families

Mental Health First Aid for Military, Veterans and Families

MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID FOR MILITARY MEMBERS, VETERANS, AND THEIR FAMILIES is a FREE, 8-hour training to learn how to assist someone experiencing a mental health problem or crisis, with a special focus on helping military members, veterans, and their families. No prior knowledge or military connection is necessary. 7 CMEs/CEUs available for health professionals and social workers! Register Now… Read more
Mental Health First Aid for Military Members, Veterans and Families

Mental Health First Aid for Military Members, Veterans and Families

Mental Health First Aid for Veterans focuses on the unique experiences and needs of the military, veteran and family population. About this Event Family members and personnel working with military and families are often not aware of how to engage veterans with mental illnesses and addictions. In addition to the impact of military service on the veteran, each has a… Read more