Tagged: volunteer

April 23rd, 2013 Marks The Army Reserve’s 105th Birthday!

A Brief History of the Army Reserves The Army Reserve traces its beginnings to the creation of the Medical Reserve Corps, which was authorized by an act of Congress signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt on 23 April 1908.  The idea behind the Medical Reserve Corps was to create a pool of trained medical officers who could be called… Read more

Saturday October 27th is Make a Difference Day: A National Day of Doing Good

If you are looking for a chance to get involved in community service, to support our veterans, and to create some good public awareness–here is your chance.  All around the country, veteran’s are donating time and volunteering their skills while concerned citizens are reaching out to help veterans. For more than 20 years, USA WEEKEND Magazine and Points of Light… Read more

April 23rd, 2012 Marks The Army Reserve’s 104th Birthday! Veteran Owned Business Military Observance Announcement

The Army Reserve traces its beginnings to the creation of the Medical Reserve Corps, which was authorized by an act of Congress signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt on 23 April 1908.  The idea behind the Medical Reserve Corps was to create a pool of trained medical officers who could be called to active duty in time of war.… Read more