Tagged: washington dc

Triad Honor Flight Benefit | The Hideaway at Crooked Creek

Triad Honor Flight Benefit | The Hideaway at Crooked Creek

by Triad Honor Flight Board About this Event This benefit is to help pay for any veteran over the the age of 65 to fly to Washington DC to visit their Memorials as a thank you for their sacrifices for our country. There will be 2 bands, food trucks, refreshments available, participation by the 82nd Airborne Division and other events… Read more

FCC Small Business and Emerging Technologies Conference

The FCC’s Office of Communications Business Opportunities (OCBO) will host a Small Business & Emerging Technologies Conference and Tech Fair. When: January 27, 2015, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST Where:  At the FCC Headquarters, Commission Meeting Room Address: 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC. This important event will focus on innovation by fledgling entrepreneurs in information technology and telecom. We will… Read more
VOBeacon News & Events

United States Flag To Be Displayed At Half-Staff On 5/15 In Honor Of Peace Officers Memorial Day

Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week is an observance in the United States that pays tribute to the local, state, and Federal peace officers. The Memorial takes place on May 15, and Police Week is the calendar week in which the Memorial falls. Peace Officers Memorial Day was created on October 1, 1961, when Congress asked the president to designate… Read more

National Restaurant Association Focuses on Career Opportunities for Military Personnel, Veterans

Association creates new Military Foundation (Washington, D.C.) The National Restaurant Association (NRA) is enhancing efforts to build career opportunities and support for military personnel and veterans by launching the National Restaurant Association Military Foundation. The NRA’s Military Foundation will focus on providing training and industry support to military hospitality programs, promoting foodservice and hospitality career opportunities for former servicemen and… Read more

Attn SDVOSBs: May/June 2012 Issue of VetLikeMe Newsletter is now available for viewing

Attention Service Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses: The May-June 2012 VetLikeMe SDVOSB Newsletter (Volume 3, No. 3) is now available for viewing.  In this issue: Questions for Secretary Shinseki (Hardy Stone Column) The noun, “Veterans Administration” indeed sounds like an organization for veterans, doesn’t it? It implies a sort of ownership by America’s former soldiers who stepped up when needed by their… Read more

May 15th Is Peace Officers Memorial Day, Flags to Fly at Half Staff (Mast) | Veteran Owned Business Observance PSA

Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week is an observance in the United States that pays tribute to the local, state, and Federal peace officers. The Memorial takes place on May 15, and Police Week is the calendar week in which the Memorial falls. Peace Officers Memorial Day was created on October 1, 1961, when Congress asked the president to designate… Read more