Unemployment Rate Among Veterans Masks High Unemployment of Post-9/11 Veterans | Veteran Owned Business PSA

Attention Veteran Owned Business Members and Visitors:
According to data Veteran Owned Business has obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee the low overall unemployment rate among veterans masks the high unemployment rate of Post-9/11 veterans.  Among all veterans, those who served on active duty since September 2001 (Post-9/11 veterans) have the highest unemployment rate.  In 2010, the unemployment rate for these veterans averaged 11.5 percent, compared to the overall veteran unemployment rate of 8.7 percent, and 9.4 percent unemployment rate for nonveterans.  However, new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates a growing problem – In 2011, the unemployment rate for Post-9/11 veterans of all ages averaged 12.1%, compared to an overall veteran unemployment rate of 8.3%, and 8.7% unemployment rate for nonveterans.  While the unemployment rate for nonveterans aged 18 to 24 was high as well at 16.1%; the unemployment rate for veterans aged 18 to 24 was a staggering 30.2% – Nearly a third of the youngest veterans.
In an effort to help combat unemployment for our fellow military brothers and sisters, Veteran Owned Business is very proud to announce the launch of our new “Veterans Hire Veterans” project. Our Veterans Hire Veterans project offers our new Veterans Job Resources section. From time to time we will be adding additional resources including Veterans Employment News, Veterans Employment Events (Job Fairs, etc.), Job Banks, Openings and more.

VeteranOwnedBusiness.com has over 10,000 members. We strongly encourage you to spend time going through VOB members in your industry and/or geographic location. Many of our members surveyed tell us they plan on hiring additional employees over the next 12 to 18 months. A very high percentage of those businesses have also told us they plan on hiring a fellow veteran if possible. In short: use Veteran Owned Business as another employment resource! Contact our members. Send your resume. Proactively market your skills, education, experience and especially the fact that you are prior (or will be) military to our members. And, be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, our new VeteransHireVeterans Twitter and LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on the latest news and events specifically for military veterans looking for employment!

Thank you for your service and good luck in your employment endeavors!

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