Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day March 30, 2017
March 30th the nation will observe “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day”. March 30th marks the historic withdrawal of United States troops from Vietnam on March 30, 1973. Please join Veteran Owned Business, our members, families and friends as we pay tribute to the valiant service of Vietnam War and Vietnam-Era Veterans.
All around our great nation there will be celebrations and opportunities to thank the veterans of the Vietnam War and also provide them with the welcoming that many did not receive at the completion of their noble service to our country. It is important and fitting that our nation recognizes the brave service men and women who made profound sacrifices in the Vietnam War including the more than 58,000 Americans who lost their lives and the more than 300,000 who were wounded during the Vietnam War.
While we’d love to list all the activities taking place on “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day”, we unfortunately do not have the time it would take to list everything out. Please take a moment and contact your local VFW, American Legion, DAV, Veterans Services Offices and/or other military organization for a list of events in your area. You can also search Google and other search engines for events in your area.
Sen. Burr Introduces Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day Resolution; Legislation honors service members who fought in Vietnam
Senator Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, introduced a resolution to honor veterans who served in Vietnam by designating March 30th as “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.” March 30th marks the anniversary of the day that combat and combat support units withdrew completely from South Vietnam.
“Our soldiers served honorably and bravely in Vietnam. Unfortunately, they arrived home to a country in political turmoil, and never received the recognition they deserve,” Senator Burr said. “By setting March 30th aside as a day to focus on our Vietnam veterans, we can show our unified gratitude for their service and the sacrifices that these veterans made on our behalf.”
Communities throughout the country are encouraged to take measures to commemorate this day by honoring Vietnam veterans in their area.