Attention Nonprofit Organizations:
Are you a nonprofit member of the Veteran Owned Business Project? Here are several Nonprofit Organizations and Charities badges/banners for your use. If you would like to use one of our Nonprofit Member Badges but are not a member, please visit the Veteran Owned Business Project and look for the red “sign up” button on the left side.
Additional badges for different industries and more can be found on our logo and badge section.
NOTE: we recommend linking the badge directly to your profile. Need help? Check out our Veteran Owned Business Badge FAQ page! Need a custom badge? Click here to send us all the details (size, type, etc.) and we’ll (time permitting) create one for you!
Click on a badge below to download your Nonprofit Charity Verified Member Badge!
We will Tweet about your business! Please let us know when you’ve set up a link directly to your profile and we will send a “thank you” message to our social network (when time permits). Just email us your contact info and where we can find the badge and we’ll try to share it!
Following Badges: click on the image to view it, then right click to download to your desktop. NOTE: we recommend linking the badge directly to your profile. Need help? Check out our Veteran Owned Business Badge FAQ page!