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National Best Friends Day

June 8

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An event every year that begins at 12:00 am on day 8 of June, repeating indefinitely

National Best Friends Day

Click here to see a full list of military holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and observances!

Today (June 8th) is #NationalBestFriendsDay… now you may be thinking… what does this have to do with veterans/military community?

Ask anybody who served and there’s a good possibility they’ll tell you that one of their life-long, best friends is somebody they served with!

Whether they met during basic training (boot camp), at “A School”… during wartime or peacetime… at one of the academies… while deployed… or any number of places/reasons… no matter the background, education, ethnicity or social upbringing… those of us who have served often times form a special bond with our fellow brothers/sisters and often times these friendships remain true until the day we take our last breath!

On this National Best Friends Day, please take a moment out of your busy schedule and tell a buddy/pal/shipmate/bestie/BFF you are thinking about them. With all that’s going on in the world, it’s nice to let our friends know we care about them and are thinking about them. Especially with social distancing taking a toll on everyone… and let us not forget June is #PTSDAwarenessMonth so definitely check in on your friends who you feel may be experiencing signs of PTSD!