National Suicide Prevention Month
National Suicide Prevention Month September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, which includes National Suicide Prevention Awareness Week (2nd Sunday in September to the following Saturday) and World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10....
National Suicide Prevention Week
National Suicide Prevention Week September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, which includes National Suicide Prevention Awareness Week (2nd Sunday in September to the following Saturday) and World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10....
2023 Mid Willamette Valley Veterans Stand Down
Withnell Family YMCA 685 Court St., Salem,, OR, United StatesTHE MID WILLAMETTE VALLEY VETERANS STAND DOWN IS BACK!! You are all invited to take part of this year Veterans Stand Down, The Stand Down is a one-day resource health & wellness event...
Los Angeles Veterans Collaborative
Bob Hope Patriotic Hall 1816 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles,, CA, United StatesThe Los Angeles Veterans Collaborative meets on the Second Wednesday of every month! We hope to see you there! Agenda 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Access and Engagement Tess Banko Jim Zenner This group was developed...
Active Retired Vets Learn to utilize your skill set in the civilian world
Learn to transition and utilize our service-connected talents into a recession proof business. (THIS IS NOT A NETWORKING EVENT)
Tech Jobs Without a Tech Background
USO Warrior and Family Center at Fort Belvoir 5940 9th Street, Fort Belvoir, VA, United StatesIn this one-hour master class, learn how you can gear up for tech jobs while you finish your military service. Every job is a tech job in today's economy. So, what if your...
Veterans Involved Parkinson’s
2400 N Tenaya Way Las Vegas, NV 89128 2400 N Tenaya Way Las Vegas, NV 89128, Las Vegas, NV, United StatesJoin us in remembering our Veterans every 2nd Wednesday of the month! Friends of Parkinson's welcomes veterans who would like support from their peers and an opportunity to share their lives while in...
Virginia Advisory Council on Military Education and Resource Fair
1881 University Dr 1881 University Drive, Virginia Beach,, VA, United StatesCome meet the top school, employers, and resources in Hampton Roads for the military connected community. Our Annual symposium will kick off with our annual VA-ACME Military Resource & Networking Expo on Wednesday,...
Veterans & Military Family in Clean Energy Gathering at RE+
Venetian Convention and Expo Center - Titian 2305, Level 2 201 Sands Ave., Las Vegas, NV, United StatesMilitary veterans, spouses, caregivers, family members, and supporters in clean energy are invited to attend this gathering. RE+ 2023 is pleased to host our second annual U.S. Veterans & Military Family in Clean Energy...
Marketing Yourself, Job Tactics, Resume Essentials & Writing Workshop
TELACU Veterans Upward Bound 5400 East Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesMarketing Yourself, Job Tactics, Resume Essentials & Writing Workshop FREE program that consists of workshop sessions covering all the essentials of becoming a successful college student or career professional. About this event The Off-Base...