National Spirit of ’45 Day
“Keep the Spirit of ’45 Alive!”
KEEP THE SPIRIT OF ’45 ALIVE! is a non-profit, non-partisan initiative to preserve the legacy of the men and women of the Greatest Generation so that their example of personal courage, shared sacrifice, “can-do” attitude and service to community can inspire Americans to come together to meet historic challenges of our era.
In 2010, the United States Congress unanimously agreed that a national “Spirit of ’45 Day” be observed on the second Sunday in every August, coinciding with the anniversary of August 14, 1945, the day President Truman announced the end of World War II.
Spirit of ’45 Day recognizes the achievements and positive values the men and women who were the ‘ordinary heroes’ of the generation that endured the difficult times of the Great Depression, fought and won World War II, and then participated in an unprecedented effort to rebuild the world by laying the foundations for a better future for their children and their children’s children, for friend and former enemy alike.