Military Women Owned VOBs and SDVOSBs Wanted for Video Project

Veteran Owned Business teams with The Story Exchange to help Women Owned Businesses Tell Their Story

The Story Exchange has partnered with Veteran Owned Business (.com) in the “Tell Your Story” campaign, designed to collect 1,000 stories of Women Small Business Owners to help inspire potential women entrepreneurs and generate additional exposure for existing Women Owned Businesses.

The Story Exchange is a non-profit video project that encourages female entrepreneurship by sharing the stories of successful women. The “Tell Your Story” campaign has already identified nearly 200 Women Owned Businesses. Veteran Owned looks to identify Military Veteran Women Entrepreneurs to increase the exposure and reach of the campaign. The Story Exchange is also looking to identify Veteran Owned Businesses owned by Women for Video Profiles for their 2013 Video filming season.

If you are a Women Owned Business, or know a business owned by a Women (or a Woman Veteran) and would like to “Tell Your Story”.

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