Our Military Heroes Need Your Help… And So Does VOB!
Your support is appreciated more than you can imagine!
VOB is in the running for a grant from Chase (see below) for our Veteran Owned Business Project. In short, our goal is to continue to promote and build support for VOB, our new Veterans Hire Veterans Initiative and create the aVOSBa (the American Veteran Owned Small Business Association) nonprofit organization.
Supporting this project is simple (see images below): 1) login with your Facebook account 2) enter “Veteran Owned” in the “business name” field 3) hit the support button. You do NOT need to enter any personal information.
Voting ends very soon. Thank you in advance for helping us with our mission to help empower military veterans who own businesses to grow, hire fellow veterans and give back to military veteran organizations!
Your support is appreciated more than you can imagine! Click here: to support VOB now or click on the images below.

Please help support our project by clicking above and voting for “Veteran Owned”!