Tagged: Army Corps of Engineers

6/14/19 Marks The Army’s 244th Birthday – Army History

6/14/19 Marks The Army’s 244th Birthday – Army History

View a list of businesses owned by past and present Army personnel View a list of famous quotes about the United States Army View a detailed history of the United States Army including a list of conflicts Two hundred forty four years ago, our nation’s leaders established the Continental Army, beginning a rich heritage of successfully defending this great country… Read more
United States Army

6/14/18 Marks The Army’s 243rd Birthday – Army History

View a list of businesses owned by past and present Army personnel View a list of famous quotes about the United States Army View a detailed history of the United States Army including a list of conflicts Two hundred forty one years ago, our nation’s leaders established the Continental Army, beginning a rich heritage of successfully defending this great country… Read more

6/14/17 Marks The Army’s 242nd Birthday – Army History

View a list of businesses owned by past and present Army personnel View a list of famous quotes about the United States Army View a detailed history of the United States Army including a list of conflicts Two hundred forty one years ago, our nation’s leaders established the Continental Army, beginning a rich heritage of successfully defending this great country… Read more

6/14/16 Marks The Army’s 241st Birthday – Army History

View a list of businesses owned by past and present Army personnel View a list of famous quotes about the United States Army View a detailed history of the United States Army including a list of conflicts Two hundred forty one years ago, our nation’s leaders established the Continental Army, beginning a rich heritage of successfully defending this great country… Read more

6/14/15 Marks The Army’s 240th Birthday – Army History

This Year Marks The Army’s 240th Birthday View a list of businesses owned by past and present Army personnel View a list of famous quotes about the United States Army View a detailed history of the United States Army including a list of conflicts Two hundred forty years ago, our nation’s leaders established the Continental Army, beginning a rich heritage… Read more

SDVOSB Sources Sought For Dredging Project Yarmouth, Maine

Solicitation Number: W912WJ-14-X-0015 Agency: Department of the Army Office: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Location: USACE District, New England Solicitation Number: W912WJ-14-X-0015 Notice Type: Sources Sought Synopsis: Added: Apr 07, 2014 9:53 am The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District is issuing a Sources Sought Announcement Maintenance Dredging of the Royal River Federal navigation project located in Yarmouth,… Read more