Tagged: VOB blog

Update: VOB Adds 1,250 Facebook Fans In Just A Few Days To Surpass 12,500

Veteran Owned Business Update (11/1/2012): Veteran Owned Business Adds 1,250 Facebook Fans In Just A Few Days To Surpass 12,500 Likes Thank you for your continued support in helping VOB reach out to others veterans, active duty military and our military families from all around our great nation! With your help we are nearing 15,000 Veteran Owned Business Profiles and… Read more

Veteran Owned Business Blazes Past 10,000 Facebook Fans

Veteran Owned Business Blazes Past 10,000 Facebook Fans (then past 11,000 in just a few additional days) he Veteran Owned Business Project continues to pick up steam!  While we were working on our “10,000 Facebook Likes” email to send to our members and supporters, we rapidly picked up enough fans to surpass 11,000 (actually at 11,275 as of today). Thank… Read more