Small Business Programs Office Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Small Business Programs Office Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Small Business Programs Office Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Ref.: Request for Proposal (RFP) No. JL-2672-20181113

The California Institute of Technology s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) operating under a prime contract with NASA is seeking small businesses with capabilities to provide X-band Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTAs) for the Psyche Mission.

The Laboratory has determined that respondents to the referenced RFP must possess the following Mandatory Qualifications in order to be considered a qualified source and thereby, eligible for award.

  1. At least ten (10) years experience producing in-house either space-qualified TWTAs or space-qualified Electronic Power Conditioners (EPCs) or High Voltage Power Supplies (HVPSs)
  2. At least five (5) years experience integrating TWTs and EPCs/HVPSs and performance testing the integrated space-qualified TWTA
  3. Actual space flight experience with TWTAs on at least five (5) Earth orbit projects
  4. Ability to procure, maintain and control class 2+ EEE parts per either NASA or ESA standards.

Please respond to this notice if you (1) meet the capabilities; and (2) submit your expression of interest in this opportunity no later than Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at 3PM (Pacific).

JPL is a federally funded research and development center staffed and managed for NASA by the California Institute of Technology.

For further information or questions, please send an E-Mail to

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