Tagged: Chaplain School France

July 29th Marks the 238th Anniversary of the Army Chaplain Corps

History of the United States Army Chaplain Corp The Odyssey of Relocation The U.S. Army Chaplaincy provides religious support to America’s Army while assisting commanders in ensuring the right of free exercise of religion for all Soldiers. In short, we nurture the living, care for the wounded, and honor the fallen. Since July 29, 1775, approximately 25,000 Army Chaplains have served as religious… Read more

July 29th Marked The 238th Anniversary of The Army Chaplain Corps

History of the United States Army Chaplain Corp The Odyssey of Relocation The U.S. Army Chaplaincy provides religious support to America’s Army while assisting commanders in ensuring the right of free exercise of religion for all Soldiers. In short, we nurture the living, care for the wounded, and honor the fallen. Since July 29, 1775, approximately 25,000 Army Chaplains have… Read more

July 29th Marks the 237th Anniversary of the Army Chaplain Corps

History of the United States Army Chaplain Corp The Odyssey of Relocation The U.S. Army Chaplaincy provides religious support to America’s Army while assisting commanders in ensuring the right of free exercise of religion for all Soldiers. In short, we nurture the living, care for the wounded, and honor the fallen. Since July 29, 1775, approximately 25,000 Army Chaplains have… Read more