Tagged: Veterans Hiring Veterans

United States Celebrates 2014 Armed Forces Week – May 10th thru 18th

Armed Forces Week Starts: Saturday May 10th (2nd Saturday in May) Armed Forces Day: Saturday, May 17th (3rd Saturday in May) Armed Forces Week Ends: Sunday May 18th (Sunday after Armed Forces Day) Armed Forces Week is traditionally scheduled to coincide with Armed Forces Day and offers an opportunity for our community to express its gratitude to the military for their… Read more

Veteran Owned Business Project Celebrates its Fifth Anniversary

Happy Veterans Day! And A Big “Thank  You” For Your Continued Support! We are very proud to announce the 5th Anniversary of the launch of the Veteran Owned Business Project!   It seems like it was only yesterday when we launched the Veteran Owned Business Project as an online communication tool and resource hub for veterans, active duty military, reservists, service disabled veterans… Read more
Veterans Hire Veterans Badge

VA Vocational Rehabilitation Employment Overview: Enrollment, Links, Application

Attention Veteran Owned Business Members Looking To Hire Fellow Veterans: VA has benefits and services for Veterans who are unemployed, looking for work, or in need of training or education to qualify for a suitable job.  Additionally, check out our Veterans Hire Veterans Employment Network! Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits for Unemployed Veterans   Veterans Hire Veterans Employment Network: what do you… Read more

Armed Forces Day: May 18th We Pay Special Tribute To The Men And Women Of The Armed Forces

On August 31, 1949, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of an Armed Forces Day to replace separate Army, Navy and Air Force Days. The single-day celebration stemmed from the unification of the Armed Forces under one department — the Department of Defense. Each of the military leagues and orders was asked to drop sponsorship of its specific… Read more

Veterans’ Employment Toolkit and Resources Provided by The Department of Veterans Affairs

Attention Veteran Business Owners: Our aim is to help employers, managers and supervisors, human resource professionals, and employee assistance program (EAP) providers relate to and support their employees who are Veterans and members of the Reserve and National Guard. LEARN ABOUT VETERANS AND THE MILITARY: Veterans are Valuable Assets * Strengths and work ethic of Veterans * How Veterans benefit your company’s goals and bottom line Understanding… Read more

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE VA: Potential Fraudulent Companies Accessing VetSuccess.gov

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE VA: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has recently heard from a number of Veterans of potential fraudulent attempts to contact them relating to employment – some identifying VetSuccess.gov as their source. Some of these fraudulent companies or individuals may have accessed the VetSuccess.gov system to obtain Veteran resumes to contact Veterans for fraudulent job opportunities.… Read more

Veterans Focused JOB FAIR Scheduled For 4/26/2013 In Central Florida

Attention Job Seekers and Hiring Managers: April 26, 2013 Central Florida Veteran Focused Job Fair  Veteran Resource Committee April 26,2013 * 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Purchase  a  Display Booth (space is Limited) $35.oo for Members /$50.00 Non-Members Melbourne Regional Chamber 1005 East Strawbridge Ave Melbourne Florida 32901 From the North: Merge onto I-95 N toward Daytona Beach,Take the SR-514 exit. EXIT… Read more