Tagged: Veterans Hiring Veterans

VOBeacon News & Events

100,000 Jobs Mission in Chicago Seeks Military Veterans

100,000 Jobs Mission in Chicago Seeks Veterans IDES and IDVA Partner to Put Veterans to Work Pre-Registration is Encouraged for Best Service, Results CHICAGO – With a goal of hiring at least 100,000 Veterans by 2020, a coalition of more than 60 companies, government agencies and Veteran groups will be hosting a huge hiring event in Chicago July 12 for… Read more

Our Military Heroes Need Your Help… And So Does VOB!

Your support is appreciated more than you can imagine! VOB is in the running for a grant from Chase (see below) for our Veteran Owned Business Project. In short, our goal is to continue to promote and build support for VOB, our new Veterans Hire Veterans Initiative and create the aVOSBa (the American Veteran Owned Small Business Association) nonprofit organization.… Read more

Asnuntuck Community College Career Fair for Veterans Tuesday May 29th | Veterans Hire Veterans PSA

Asnuntuck Community College Career Fair for Veterans Featuring Advanced Manufacturing Technology Certificate & Degree Programs CNC Machining Welding Electronics Electro-Mechanical Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 Time: 4:00 P.M.—7:30 P.M. Phone: 860-253-3189 E-mail: fgulluni@acc.commnet.edu Directions: 1 mile east of Exit 48, Route 91. Follow Elm Street, pass the mall on right and within a mile you will see the college on… Read more

Armed Forces Week May 12th to 20th 2012 | Veteran Owned Business Military Observance Announcement

Armed Forces Week is traditionally scheduled to coincide with Armed Forces Day and offers an opportunity for our community to express its gratitude to the military for their dedication and service to the nation.  Armed Forces Day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday of May. Armed Forces Week begins on the second Saturday of May and ends on the… Read more

Unemployment Rate Among Veterans Masks High Unemployment of Post-9/11 Veterans | Veteran Owned Business PSA

Attention Veteran Owned Business Members and Visitors: According to data Veteran Owned Business has obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee the low overall unemployment rate among veterans masks the high unemployment rate of Post-9/11 veterans.  Among all veterans, those who served on active duty since September 2001 (Post-9/11 veterans) have the highest… Read more