Pittsburgh Special Tribute to Veterans Scheduled For 10/25 At Carnegie Music Hall

Attention Pittsburgh Veterans and Active Duty Military:


2012 Partners in Leadership Awards A Tribute to Veterans

We all want to “Support the Troops”, but how?

On October 25, 2012 from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m., the Veterans Leadership Program (VLP) of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will host a special tribute to veterans.  The event will take place at Carnegie Music Hall, located at 4400 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA.

Southwestern Pennsylvania is home to more than 260,000 Veterans and their families (including 8,000 children), one of the largest concentrations of Veterans in the United States.

VLP was founded in 1982 by a group of Vietnam Veterans who created a job placement and training program for their peers who were displaced in the changing economy.  They called it Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program.  Today, many Vietnam Veterans continue to to rely on the program, which has expanded to serve Veterans who served in the U.S. military – whether during peacetime or military conflicts.

For the past 30 years, VLP has provided essential housing, employment and other vital supportive services to eligible veterans, service members and their families to improve self-sufficiency, sustainability and quality of life.

Tickets to the event are $50 for general admission.  It costs $35 to sponsor a veteran.  Students, children, firefighters, police officers and emergency service workers get in free.  Military personnel in uniform also get in free.

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