Louisville Kentucky Veteran Owned Business Networking Group Starting Up; Looking To Connect With Veteran Business Owners

Attention Veteran Business Owners in Greater Louisville Area:

Veteran Owned Business Member AAMCO in Louisville is looking to start a Veteran Owned Business Networking Group in the greater Louisville area.  If you are located in the greater Louisville area (or frequently travel into the area) and would like more information, contact Mr. Tim A. Distler at: (502) 896-2193.

Are you a member of Veteran Owned Business and want to organize a local Networking group of like minded businesses and/or veteran business owners? We’d be more than happy to help you reach out to our members and supporters in your area to get your message out.  Simply send us an email at: info@veteranownedbusiness.com and be sure to include your contact information. Not only will your Networking Group’s information be included in a future issue of our Veteran Owned Business Newsletter, it’s very likely we will share your information with VOB’s social media network (example: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).

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