Tagged: martial arts training

Veteran Owned Martial Arts Schools

#‎ArmedForcesWeek‬ here are several martial arts schools around the United States owned by past military and present military members that specialize in offering martial arts training in various forms including mixed martial arts, karate, jujitsu, taekwondo and more. Please show them some love by “liking” and “sharing”. Know of a school missing (or any business)? Visit http://www.VeteranOwnedBusiness.com and look for… Read more

New Categories Added: Italian Restaurant, Martial Arts Schools, Personal Injury Law, Security Supplies

Attention Veteran Owned Business Members and Visitors: VeteranOwnedBusiness.com is proud to announce the addition of several new categories added to our Free Veteran Owned Business Directory of over 10,000 members. The following approved sub-categories have been suggested by one or more of our Veteran Owned Business Directory members. Serpico-Pizza in Italian  Restaurant (in Sub-Category Restaurants and Dining in main Food and Drink Category) Coppell-Wadoryu-Karate in Martial… Read more
VOBeacon News & Events

Education and Training Directory Added to the Veteran Owned Business Directory

VeteranOwnedBusiness.com is proud to announce the addition of a new section in the Veteran Owned Business Directory called Education and Training (under the main category of “Business Services“).  Here you will find a small, but growing list of  Education and Training companies in the United States owned by veterans, active duty military, reservists and service disabled veterans. Currently, there are veteran-owned Education and Training schools… Read more